Publications & Reports

Our Strategy

Our Strategy sets out our Vision, Mission and Values, as well as our Goals and Objectives over the next few years. Read it to find out how we strive to continue to add extra zest to the lives of each older person we serve.

Our Strategy

Compliments, Comments and Complaints Procedure

LifeCare is an organisation that prides itself on its high-quality services and support and
strives to continuously improve and learn. We therefore welcome any compliments on what
we do well, alongside comments or suggestions on how we can improve our service, and have produced new guidance to support clients and carers through this process.

Compliments, Comments and Complaints Procedure

Our Impact

Our principal objectives are to promote, provide, support and assist in the care and welfare of older people and carers in Edinburgh. We do this by maintaining, developing and providing care, support and community services and facilities that meet the evolving needs of older people and their carers.

All our successes were made possible thanks to our wonderful band of supporters, Trustees, staff, fundraisers, volunteers and local community members.

Our Year in Numbers 2023/2024

Stakeholder Consultation

In late Spring 2022 we conducted a consultation with LifeCare clients, customers, supporters, local people, staff and volunteers. We have put together a report with an update on what we have done in response to what we heard as well as our future plans.

Consultation Report

Our Latest Care Inspectorate Reports

Our Annual Accounts