LifeCare Edinburgh and Vintage Vibes condemn controversial “tax on volunteering”

LifeCare Edinburgh and Vintage Vibes have urged the Scottish Government not to go ahead with controversial proposals to introduce a fee for Volunteers who need checks under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) – and to instead retain the current system which sees Disclosure Scotland absorbing this cost.

In the response, LifeCare and Vintage Vibes state:

“Both LifeCare Edinburgh and Vintage Vibes wholeheartedly disagree with the proposal to move to a fee discount structure for volunteers in Qualifying Voluntary Organisations. The current status quo of no cost PVG’s is essential in empowering third sector organisations to recruit, train, support and retain volunteers effectively and safely. 

The introduction of any PVG fees for Qualifying Voluntary Organisations represents a new financial requirement, not a discount. The current system is regarded as clear, effective, and workable, promoting inclusion and simplicity in access to volunteering.  

If implemented, these proposals are likely to have a significant, detrimental impact on both LifeCare and Vintage Vibes’ capacity to deliver the life changing, preventative and person-centred support upon which hundreds of vulnerable older people and their dedicated unpaid carers have come to rely.  

LifeCare Edinburgh and Vintage Vibes urge The Scottish Government in the strongest terms to not move forward with this proposal.”